Since 1998, LOU has tailored our day program services to each individual’s specific needs, in order to ensure that every participant has an equal experience. Our day program focuses on developing everyday life skills to allow participants to have more control over their lives and develop new interests. At LOU, it is our mission to enable our participants to develop into their individual “best selves,” and it is our responsibility to be sure that the world sees them as valued equal members of the community.

[Our Day Program circa 2001]

Community Based Programming

A flipped model…

The Day Programs @ LOU are unique in that all programming is fluid. Each individual moves organically between integrated experiences with the general population to hub-based programs, where they are able to explore a variety of personal interests.

The majority of day habilitation services offered in New Jersey are based on a traditional model, whereas “activities” are center-based with occasional “community outings” and/or “field trips”. The Day Programs @ LOU offer a distinct alternative to standardized programming.

Since the inception of this program in 1998, this has been the operating philosophy.

More about…

The Hub of LOU is a creative and collaborative space deliberately designed to be the core of our network of programming.