COVID-19, a message from our Executive Director
Dear Friends,
Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, L.O.U.’s services have been modified. Central office staff are working staggered shifts and remotely. Our Day Program Services are temporarily closed and our Residential Programs are operating at full speed.
To safeguard our clients and staff from the virus, staff are wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times during their shifts. As much as possible we are limiting staff movement between group homes. Thank you to Bergen County’s United Way for supplementing our PPE needs.
While cleanliness has always been a priority at L.O.U., we are now implementing extra cleaning precautions. Our group homes are being regularly stocked with necessary cleaning supplies. I would be remise not to mention the generosity of one of our long time vendors All Bergen Appliance Service, who throughout this time has been donating cleaning and disinfecting products.
The challenges of these past few months have been many, and unlike anything we have experienced before. However, we continue to meet these challenges with faith and an unwavering commitment to our clients. None of this would be possible without the dedicated staff of L.O.U.
For now our Ridgewood offices are closed to the general population, however, should you need us we can always be reached by phone (201) 689-1128, or by e-mail
Hoping this message finds you and your families well and safe.
Gail Tamirian-Mandeli, M.Ed
Founder and Executive Director